Elizabeth Dyke Recipe
To Make a salve or plaister
Take the roots of marsh mallows wash and pick them cleane and take out the inward pith cast it a way and take the [note: in ] out ward and that is faire and whit and cut it in small peces and bruse them in a morter and take of them halfe a pound and put them in to a new earthen pan put their to of line seede and fenecrick of each 2 ounces a litell brused in a morter then take mamsey and whit wine of each a pint and sture thes together and let it in fuse 2 or 3 dayes then set them one a soft fire and sture it well till it wax thick then take it from the fire and straine it thorow a pece of new canvice then have the smallege muslege to make the plaister then take fine oyle of roses a quart and wash it well in rose water and whit wine then take the oyle cleane from the water and wine and set it one the fire ina brass pan all ways sturing it and put theirto a pound of litrege of gould and solver of each 8 ounces searous bouures curell 2 ounces bould almanick and dracoins 2 ounces of each and in any wise let them be findly poudred and seared and put in to the oyle one the fire allways sturing it and let not the fire be gige for buringe the stufe and when it waxeth thick put in [note: ten ] 10 ounces o the a for said muslege by a litell at once or else it will boyle over the pan and when it is boyled a nude you shall perceive by the pardnes if tou dip a litell upon a dish or could stone then take it ofe from the fire and when it si could make it in to roules and kepe it in parchment and kepe it for your use this plaister disolvest humors and swelling leges:::
pg. 28-29, transcribed by Jodi Moore