Indentifying and Treating your Nausea
What is Nausea?
It is important to note that nausea is not a disease. Nausea is typically a symptom or side effect of something else, and can often times also be a side effect of a medication.
If you nausea is due to medication and continues to worsen over time you should contact your doctor immediately.
Symptoms of nausea are as follows:
While nausea is not a disease is often a symptom of something else and should not go ignored.

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms during pregnancy and is often times a sign of pregnancy as well. Though symptoms vary by person and can often be hard to describe in the moment, nausea is generally described to be an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach.
Section on:
What is Nausea?
Stomach Illness
How to Help
The Recipe
Stomach Illness
A stomach illness is another way in which nausea might reveal itself as an unwanted symptom. certain illness may include the flu, food poisoning, indigestive issues, irritable bowl syndrome and many more. Nausea often times accompanies these illnesses followed by diarrhea or vomiting.
How to Help
If you are experience nausea due to a stomach virus or pregnancy, the following is a 17th century home remedy to help ease nausea pain titled: “Wormwood water for the could in the stomack and for the mother” (Note: WebED is not an official medical site please seek medical care if symptoms continue or worsen). The following recipe contains ingredients that many will recognize as common household kitchen assets.

The recipe, while many generations old, has familiar tools within it that help to combat symptoms we are still facing today.
The Recipe
Wormwood water for the could in the stomack and for the mother
Take wormwood (?auoyder?) full fowre gallons of alle that is stall and strong or worth that is forthnight ould and stronge sinomon 2 ounces of grated ginger lickrish and any seeds of each and ounce bruse all together grossly then in fuse all in the alle or worth all night and then distill them in a limback::: Thus you make Angellica water and balme water and both which are good for a could stomock:::